You. Your organization. Your leadership.
Knowing yourself means knowing your strengths, how to compensate for your limitations. Understanding the business imperatives, relationship dynamics. Knowing HOW and WHEN to contribute.
You. Performing at your best.
I can help you understand your considerable gifts, what is holding you back, and how that impacts your work. Together we understand the culture, systems, power and relationship dynamics of your organization. We’ll figure out what gets rewarded, how your leadership style manages conflicts, inspires confidence and influences effectively. What are the current realities of your life and how can you realize your potential? What are the organizational goals? Do they align with yours? The focus is on discovering your motivators, values, strengths, goals, then look at the wider context. Because that will drive your attitude and behaviors to any changes that need to be made.
Lets connect and figure out how I can move things forward. My clients range from CEO’s of fortune 500 companies to developing high potential talent. Lets figure out what strengths you have and how you manage the levers around you to create the change you would like to see.